List of Publications

  1. "Relazioni di equivalenza tra divisori di una varietà algebrica", Quaderni del Centro di Analisi Globale del C.N.R. 1974, (with P. Zappa).
  2. "Su una realizzazione del semispazio dei quaternioni", Quaderni del Centro di Analisi Globale del C.N.R. 1975.
  3. "Alcune rappresentazioni del semipiano di Siegel", Atti Ac. Naz. Lincei LVIII (1975), 77-81 (with P. Zappa).
  4. "Osservazioni sulla varietà di P g-1 su cui giace la curva canonica di una curva k-gonale", Atti Ac. Naz. Lincei LXII (1977) 755-75.
  5. "Esempi elementari di 3-folds di tipo ellittico completamente regolari e non unirazionali", Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. di Torino 38 (1980), 137-140.
  6. "Su certi fibrati in coniche di P2 ´ P2 alcuni dei quali unirazionali e non razionali", Atti Ac. Naz. Lincei LIXX (1980) 338-345 (with L. Verdi).
  7. "Osservazioni sullo spazio dei moduli delle curve trigonali", Atti Ac. Naz. Lincei LXX (1981) 96-100.
  8. "Due problemi di gonalità per rivestimenti doppi non diramati", Atti del Convegno "Geometria Algebrica" Firenze 1981, Centro di Analisi Globale del C.N.R.
  9. "On a gonality problem for unbranched 2-sheeted covers", Boll. U.M.I. 1-B (1982) 563-574 ( with S. Recillas).
  10. "g1k s on an unramified double cover of a k-gonal curve and applications", Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. di Torino 41 (1983) 53-63.
  11. "Some projective geometry associated with unramified double covers of curves of genus four", Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. CXXXIII (1983) 125-140 (with S. Recillas).
  12. "Curves on rational and elliptic normal cones which are set-theoretically complete intersection", Proceedings of the C.I.M.E. "Complete Intersection" Acireale 1983, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1092 (1984) 241-252 (with A. Gimigliano).
  13. "Esercizi e Complementi di Geometria", C.E.D.A.M., Padova 1984, XI 599 (with.G. Dini and N. Rodinò).
  14. "Una osservazione sulle curve trigonali", Boll. U.M.I. 4-B (1985) 371-389.
  15. "Remarks on curves admitting an involution of genus ³ 1 and some applications", Boll. U.M.I. 4-B (1985) 671-683.
  16. "Curves on rational and elliptic normal cones which are set-theoretically complete intersection", Boll. U.M.I. 4-B (1985) 659-670 (with A. Gimigliano).
  17. "Nodal cubic surfaces and the ratioanality of the moduli space of curves of genus two", Math. Ann. 270 (1985) 599-602 (with F. Bardelli).
  18. "More projective geometry associated with unramified double covers of curves of genus four", Ann. Mat. Puta e Appl. CXLII (1985) 49-55.
  19. "On a characterization of elliptic-hyperelliptic curves" J. fur die Reine und Angew. Math. 380 (1987) 166-170 (with S. Recillas).
  20. "Alcuni risultati sulle curve ellittiche-iperellittiche" Conferencias del Taller de Analisis complejo y Geometria Algebraica, Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados -IPN. 1987, 23-24
  21. "On a property of the Kummer variety and a relation between two moduli spaces of curves", Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analisys", Mexico 1987, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1441 (1989) 28-50 (with S. Recillas).
  22. "Istituzioni di Matematiche", C.E.D.A.M., Padova 1989, XIII, 441.
  23. "The moduli space of genus four double covers of elliptic curves is rational", Pacific Jour. Math. 144 (1990) 219-227 (with F. Bardelli).
  24. "Bi-elliptic hyperplane sections of projective surfaces", The Curves Seminar at Queen’s, Queen’s Paper in Pure and Applied Math. 85 (1990) G1-G23 (with A. Gimigliano).
  25. "Complementi di Matematiche e Programmazione in Basic", C.E.D.A.M. , Padova 1990, IX 192.
  26. "A remark on the non-vanishing terms in the power series expansion of q around a point", Boll. U.M.I. 5-B (1991) 65-76 (with L. Verdi).
  27. "Projective surfaces with bi-elliptic hyperplane sections", Manuscripta Math. 71 (1991) 253-282 (with A. Gimigliano).
  28. "Bi-elliptic curves: special linear series and plane models", The Curves Seminar at Queen’s, Queen’s Paper in Pure and Applied Math. 95 (1993) B1-B11 (with A. Gimigliano).
  29. "A note on SingW1g-1 for bielliptic curves", Boll. U.M.I. VII-A (1993) 351-357 (with A. Gimigliano).
  30. "Projective manifolds with a bielliptic or trigonal curve section", Le Matematiche XLVIII (1993) 101-107 (with A. Gimigliano).
  31. "Scrollar invariants and resolutions of certain d-gonal curves", Ann. Univ. di Ferrara, sez.VII, XXXIX (1993) 187-201, (with A. Gimigliano).
  32. "The rationality of the moduli space of bielliptic curves of genus five", Bull. London Math. Soc. 28 (1996) 356-362 (with G. Casnati).
  33. "On certain spaces of curves of genus three and their rationality", Quaderni Dip. Matematica Univ. Pisa 1.174.1013. (1997) (with F. Bardelli).
  34. "Covers of degree four and the rationality of the moduli space of curves of genus five with a vanishing theta-null", Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 124 (1998) 265-274 (with G. Casnati).
  35. "The rationality of certain moduli spaces associated to half-canonical extremal curves", J. Pure Appl. Algebra 141 (1999) 183-190 (with G. Casnati).
  36. "Bielliptic curves of genus three: Canonical Models and Moduli Space, Indagationes Math. 10 (1999) 183-190 ( with F. Bardelli).
  37. "Ramification points of double coverings of curves and Weierstrass points", Ann. di Mat. Pura e Appl. 177 (1999) 293-313 (with E. Ballico).
  38. "On certain spaces associated to tetragonal curves of genus 7 and 8", Lectures Note in Pure and Applied Math. M. Dekker, 206 (1999) 35-45 (with G. Casnati).


  1. "A characterization of bielliptic curves and applications to their moduli space", (with G. Casnati).
  2. "On certain loci of curves of genus g³ 4 with Weierstrass points whose first non-gap is three, (with G. Casnati).